Wow, is this cooking-outside weather or what? Stopped at my local Schnucks Market on my way home from work yesterday and picked up a couple of beautiful steaks. (Way more money than this “florist” should spend for Friday night dinner, but it was an anniversary day!) These puppies were just over an inch thick! I’m a rib-eye girl and Denny’s a t-bone man, so no sharing for us.

set them out to room temp and dressed them with sea salt, freshly cracked pepper, and olive oil. Really only had a couple of potatoes to go with, but then spied that basket of onions and remembered how Denny loves caramelized onions – so I grabbed a huge one, I bet it weighed a pound, it was certainly bigger than a softball, anyway I sliced it and put it in my favorite Martha Stewart pan I got at K-Mart – added some salt and pepper and just a bit of sugar and began to cook them – here they are after about 10 minutes –

I then grabbed a handful of fresh thyme and bundled it up and added it to the onions and cooked them another 20 minutes or so

About this time I decided to try that Mad Housewife Cabernet Sauvignon that’s been sitting on the counter next to the olive oil all week – tempting me, tempting me

So I pour myself a glassful – and hmmm, I wonder if I couldn’t make a nice cab sauce from the front of the onions along with that thyme bundle – so I took the onions out of the pan and tossed about ½ cup of the Mad Housewife Cab into the pan along with the thyme bundle and reduced it to about half and then added about ¼ cup of chicken stock I had leftover in the fridge along with a pat of butter and voila, delicious! yummy stuff! Great on the meat, great on the potatoes, and great on the onions!

My grill chef cooked the steaks to perfect medium rare

Oh yeah, of course, I know a nice green vegetable would have been a healthy addition, but I did use a nice-sized bundle of thyme in the onions and Mad Housewife cab sauce!
Speaking of green, when checking on my bakers (which I rubbed with bacon grease and pretzel salt from the bottom of an empty bag of sticks) I burned my arm – actually think I left some skin on the upper rack in the oven,

but I grabbed and split a handy stem of an aloe vera plant and the burn looks pretty good today and it’s not sore at all – that’s good because today’s a good day to make some steak soup with the leftovers – if I can keep my hard workin’ handsome grill chef out them that is! Happy Anniversary Sweetie!

Need an aloe vera plant?
How about a fancy meal delivered?