Walter Knoll Florist

Walter Knoll Florist

Posted by wkf on June 12, 2012 Uncategorized

Give Dad Eggplant!

Greetings From The GardenCenter!

Would you look at that shiny eggplant? Wow! We have several potted, ready to enjoy! Dad wants an eggplant instead of a tie!

Yellow Hibiscus in front of Oleander

We have an abundance of gorgeous hibiscus! Yellow, pink, orange/red, and even some with unique multicolored leaves, are available. Pretty in a pot! The hibiscus are good sized and a large presentation at a value price.

Create a colorful hibiscus hedge around a summer display!

Oleander behind unusual hibiscus plants

Our Garden Center is located at 1010 California at LaSalle on historic Florist’s Row – general public welcome!  We also have large fruit plants including raspberries, blackberries and blueberries – and did I mention the tomatos and peppers and herbs!  Lots of annual and perennial flowers and grasses too!

Enjoy! Regina And The Garden Center Staff

Father’s Day is Sunday, June 17!