March 17th is Saint Patrick’s Day, sometimes called Saint Paddy’s Day, which marks Saint Patrick’s feast day (or the day of his death). Traditionally observed within several sects of Christianity, the holiday has come to be embraced by many as a day set aside not only to honor the life of Saint Patrick, but also to celebrate the rich culture, heritage, traditions, and food of Ireland and its people. Whether you are truly Irish or just honorary Irish, make the most of Saint Patrick’s Day with flowers and gifts from Walter Knoll Florist.
Green Carnations Bouquet
A holiday rich with symbolism, nothing says Saint Patrick’s Day quite like the color green (wear it or be pinched). Grown specially for the celebration of Saint Paddy’s Day, a bouquet of green carnations makes the perfect floral holiday gift for your friend, loved one, or even co-worker. Our Green Carnations Bouquet includes one or two dozen festive green carnations arranged in a green frosted vase. Gold mesh, clover garland accents, and a decorative clover pipe make this bouquet a favorite for Saint Patrick’s Day.
Fire Up the Blarney!
If you plan to attend a Saint Patrick’s Day party, then do not arrive empty-handed. Offer up a festive centerpiece as a host or hostess gift to add to the party’s fun atmosphere. Designed specifically for Saint Patrick’s Day, our Fire Up the Blarney Centerpiece features an artful arrangement of green flowers, greenery accents, holiday ribbon, and a decorative clover pipe all surrounding a green candlestick, which will bring a warm glow to the table.
Potted Shamrocks
Saint Patrick’s Day would not be the same without traditional shamrocks. A perfect gift for anyone, four or six inch potted shamrocks will bring fun to the holiday and will be enjoyed for years to come. Our plants feature a festive pot cover and bow in addition to a fun “Erin Go Bragh” plant pick. Shamrock leaf colors vary from shades of green to shades of purple, ensuring an almost endless variety for gift giving.
At Walter Knoll Florist, we have a wide selection of Saint Patrick’s Day themed arrangements and gifts to choose from, and we look forward to helping you choose the perfect gift for your holiday celebration.