Walter Knoll Florist

Walter Knoll Florist

Posted by wkf on May 19, 2009 Uncategorized

I didn’t need green thumbs

I sure didn’t need green thumbs to grow my garlic this year!  Last summer I ordered some organic bulbs from Hood River Garlic in Oregon – never in my life have I seen such big garlic as they sent me – Around the end of August, perhaps even in September sometime, I received my 1 lb variety pack – enough to plant about a dozen toes of each type which included Siberian, Chesnook Red, Susanville and Zemo and I bought a Japanese variety as well. All are hard necks except for the Susanville. (The hardnecks produce the wonderful to look at and eat SCAPES – seeds I guess, but I only have eaten them or dried them in floral arrangements.)
I did not get around to planting the garlic until nearly Halloween but here is is May 17 and I am seeing the first scape appear on the Zemo variety.

Zemo Scape just blooming

Zemo Scape

I planted 3 rows of garlic between the patio and the neighbors fence – actually I shared some of the Hood River garlic with the neighbor and theirs is planted just on the other side of mine.

So anyway, here it is May 19 and I haven’t shared a single garden pic with you!

Here’s a trip down garlic lane

Three rows of garlic back by the fence

Three rows of garlic back by the fence

I love my vintage label stakes - and my Brother labeler!
Cute Huh?

Cute Huh?