The rose is an incredible flower. It has been employed over the centuries both as a symbol of romantic love and passion, as well as a symbol of war. Its flowers are beautiful and elegant – yet the rosebush is one of the most resilient plants in the world. Roses are given to express the most intimate of sentiments, yet rosebushes are often landscaped into yards and campuses for security and protection. The rose is known as the Queen of flowers for many reasons – and this June, during National Rose Month, the floral designers at Walter Knoll Florists would like to share some amazing facts about this spectacular flower.
Looking for more summer roses and rose bouquets? Browse our online Rose Collection, or check out our Pinterest Board.

* Roses have been desired by society’s elite and coveted by royalty. In fact, in the Middle Ages, roses were considered worthy of only the richest and most powerful, who used their oil for bath fragrance. Nearly 60,000 roses are required to produce one fluid ounce of rose oil, so being able to afford it was a display of great opulence.
* Rosebushes are often used as security barriers around companies and residential homes – both in ancient times and in modern landscapes. The thorns of the rosebush can form a nearly impenetrable barricade against trespassers.

* Roses are now cultivated in a wide variety of colors, but never blue. Roses are deficient in a gene required to produce delphinidin, which is the source of blue coloring.
* The world’s oldest rose bush is believed to be in Hildesheim, Germany. The plant has been blooming since AD 815, making it approximately 1,200 years old.
* The largest rose ever grown measured 33 inches across, a pink rose bred by Nikita K. Rulhoksoffski from San Onofre, California. However, some varieties of rose have buds as small as a grain of rice.
June is National Rose Month, and the floral experts at Walter Knoll Florist are ready to assist you in choosing the perfect roses to send to those you love. Whether red roses for your sweetheart or yellow roses for your best friend – you can never go wrong sending these iconic flowers.
Remember, at Walter Knoll Florist, we strive to provide our customers with the highest standard of quality in product, design, service and presentation while never forgetting value. If you are in the Saint Louis area, we are your florist.