Walter Knoll Florist

Walter Knoll Florist

Posted by wkf on December 31, 2008 | Last Updated: December 20, 2022 Uncategorized

What’s 20 feet up in the sky and 8 feet wide?

Taller than some trees!

Taller than some trees!

Our new digital signage at the St Louis Hills store

Hey, this installer looks suspiciously like one of the Knolls!

Hey, this installer looks suspiciously like one of the Knolls!

We at Walter Knoll Florist are happy our new sign is up and working. First zoning and hearings that took place, then it took 8 weeks to have the sign made,  then it took a crane and welder in a cherry picker bucket to install it, then new electric and fiber optic cable need to be bored under the driveway, then the electricity hooked up the fiber optic cables terminated, and the sign installed and plugged in and connected to a computer, but finally today, our sign is active! Every two minutes a new image appears, just in time to wish all the traffic on South Hampton (located at 4620 Hampton Ave) a Happy New Year!  The sign can show, text,  images, moving video, flash,  can update motion at 30 frames per second, and can be programmed remotely from our main officeThe sign has over 28,000 LEDs (light emitting diodes), a temperature sensor, A GPS for time, and can display more than 68.7 billion colors. We are going to remove the lower reader board in the lower letterbox and replace it with our logo.

The balloons are animated!

The balloons are animated!

We’ll announce specials

Tulips Are Here!

Tulips Are Here!

and give you the time and temp.


Here are some images of the sign and the crane for this monumental installation!





