In the late 1990’s, a gentleman known as “Peaceguy” established the first World Peace Day. The grass roots event, not to be confused with the United Nations holiday several months ago, takes place each November 17. Although not an official US holiday, over the years the campaign has seen its fair share of growth and popularity, due to its selfless and pure motivation – to spread peace, reconcile differences and be kind to one another.
Not only does the day have no official organization behind it, it has no logo or slogan to rally around. Instead, “Peaceguy” Don Morris makes a few simple requests of those interested in participating:
- pray or meditate for peace (he provides the official “Peace Prayer”)
- drive with car headlights on all day in a visible expression of support for peace.
- spread peace and kindness throughout your individual sphere of influence
- look for opportunity for random acts of kindness towards strangers
And most importantly, seek to be the peace maker. Be the one to extend the olive branch, to lay down offense and extend your hand. Should any relationships needs restoration, do whatever it takes to make that happen. After all, Morris reasons, if we can’t achieve peace among our family and friends, what hope can we have for the global community?
If you’d like Walter Knoll Florists to deliver an expression of peace to someone in your life, these white orchids are a meaningful choice. White is known to be one of the colors which signifies peace and serenity – the other being blue – and orchids have an aura of zen-like tranquility that cannot be denied.
This November 17, make peace a personal mission. Begin by showing kindness, mercy and peace to those people you see every day in St. Louis; then reach out and see how contagious kindness can be. Everyone could use a little more peace in their lives, and it really can start with you.