I ordered a gift for my wife and my daughter but only my wife's gift has been delivered.
What are Walter Knoll Florist's hours of operation?
Floral consultants are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to assist you. Contact us anytime via phone. Click branch locations for a listing of physical store locations and hours.
Note on using a debit card online or on the phone.
Is the information I provide during the checkout process kept private?
Where can I get the addresses and phone numbers of hospitals and funeral Homes?
Click for a listing of St Louis Hospitals and Funeral Homes. Feel free to call us and place your order on the phone. We have comprehensive national data on our systems and will be happy to track down the address, room numbers, and visitation times. (As part of our service we confirm room numbers and visitation times on every order.)
How will I know if my gift/order has been successfully delivered?
How will I know if my order has been received?
Can I have a delivery made to a school?
What happens to my order when you attempt delivery and the recipient is not at home?
Can I request a specific time for the delivery of my arrangement?
Is there any special information needed to deliver an arrangement to a hospital?
What types of Payment does Walter Knoll Florist Accept.
My computer froze up when I was placing an order. How do I know if the order went through?
Do you deliver on Sundays and holidays?
What happens if I provide an incorrect delivery address?
Can I cancel my order?
How far in advance can I order a gift / bouquet / arrangement for delivery?
Is tax included in the price of the arrangement?
Why do flowers from Walter Knoll Florist last longer than from other florists or the grocery store?
New flowers arrive every day at Walter Knoll Florist. We purchase from over 100 vendors locally, nationally and internationally. We track the performance of each of our vendors and the types of flowers that we are buying from them. We also grow some varieties ourselves. To achieve a world-class product we control the treatment of our flowers from the grower right from point they are harvested, packed, pre-cooled, and shipped. We only use vendors that preserve the Cold Chain. When flowers arrive they are processed in our state of the art center. We treat flowers as a chef would prepare fine foods. We keep them in an aseptic (sterile) environment. Anything that touches our flowers is kept clean and disinfected, including cutting tools, coolers, table services and buckets. Our coolers are computer controlled so that we can control the temperature to a tenth of a degree and the humidity to 1%. We professionally hydrate with special RO or reverse osmosis water that is so pure it is used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals.
We clean the stems and remove extra foliage by hand with care; we cut flowers with our state of the art underwater cutting system to make sure the stems are free of debris, bacteria and air embolisms. We use the Pokon-Crystal™ system of cold hydration, preservation, processing and nutrition imported directly from Holland. Our flowers are in a controlled environment, even when being designed, with special open-air coolers. Our flower processing crew works every morning very early to assure that our designers and you our customers have the best product available.
What are the other divisions of Walter Knoll Florist?
Can you call before a delivery is made?
What does Flowers by Wire or FTD mean?
How long has Walter Knoll Florist offered web based ordering?
Is it safe to purchase over the net with my computer?
I have heard that flowers delivered from an overnight service are fresher than from a florist?
What if I am sending something to an employee at a business or a guest at a hotel?
Can I use a promotion (Promo) code over the phone?
1) A Walter Knoll Florist E-Code, sometimes called E-Voucher. This has a number that is given you normally on an email but it could be printed on something else. It is only good for your account (email address) and must be used online over the web for shopping at wkf.com.
2) A Walter Knoll Florist coupon. This can be used over the phone, on the web or in person. On the web you simply enter the promo code at check out. In person you hand to coupon to the sales person at the time of sale. On the phone you place the order and then mail the coupon in and we will credit your account or credit card number upon receipt.
My promotion code does not work?
2) The promotion code has expired.
3) It has already been used.